
This is where our stories live.  The stories of the animals we give homes to, the stories of the amazing people in our lives, the stories that make our world.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. anne gebhardt Says:

    hi, where can I send horserelated items to help out a little for the people and their animals?

  2. Kristy Daniel Says:

    I just wanted to send my heart felt condolences as a Vet. student persueing a degree in large animal medicine & a horse owner myself we had some tornados in Georgia this past weekend very close to my home luckily we were spared but as with ya’ll there was many who were not so lucky. Please e-mail me if there is anything I could do I know it’s extremely hard looseing everything you work so hard for & even seeing the animals you love so traumatized..May God Bless everyone recovering from such a horrible storm.

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